Friday, September 18, 2009

My debut album "Paradise" coming soon

I am very excited to announce that my lovechild, whom I have been nurturing now for a few years, is almost ready to release out into the world. The album and it's title track are called "Paradise."
I've been blessed by having a handful of my talented friends lend their musicianship and perspective to this long-awaited project. All the songs started as simple lyrics and melodies that I've never been able to forget after initially scribbling them down.

Also, my website,, is finally up and running. If everything is going as planned then you probably found the site first before clicking your way over to my little blog.
...and I'm so glad you did!

All of my show dates and appearances will be listed there on the calender page so check it out to stay informed!

If you're a new friend, I am so happy to be a part of your life.
If you're an old friend, you know what to expect and I can't wait to see you again!

Stay tuned, and thanks for visiting my blog.